Teachers that are nudists
It's a while since any posts were added to this group. I am wondering if things have changed any for teachers, nowadays? Naturism is certainly legal here in the UK but are any of you teachers brave enough to have told anyone at work that you are...
Hello I'm new here I really enjoy being come student nudist hopefully to find some Teachers here please send me messages to start my chat thanks!
Hope any current teachers are having a good year.
I would so much like to have people (fellow teachers) give their views of the closed minds of the political establishment school districts and such on nudism,if it got out you were a nudist or even posted photos of yourself could find you on the...
Summer is here after another very difficult year. Several faculty members either left in the middle of the year or plan to quit over the summer. Anyone else lose co-workers or planning to quit yourself?
The state has just closed all schools here in Florida for two weeks in response to the virus. If you are in the same situation, how are you planning to spend the time while you are out of the classroom?
Any uk teachers on here. Would love to get to know others that are getting into naturism.
WIth classes out for the holidays, how much nude time do you think you will get in before the break is over?
As a teacher, have you ever had trouble as the result of a student, parent or other person discovering your nudist ways?
Hello to all members of this group! alzorro2002 at Skype, and Louis Colon in Facebook.