G-string ass on my profile
My ass is proudly displayed should you visit my profile. I love nudity, but G's feel naughty!!!
Come on guys and girlsShow your butts
Post a picture of your butt or May e send a random pic to a group memberHave a laugh. All next week start 3July. Make this an active group again
What constitutes a nice ass?
So, what constitutes a nice ass. The curve? The split? The hardness? The softness?
Happy my photo was chosen for the group ID...
Glad my butt is still in pretty good shape now that I am in my sixth decade. I enjoy seeing others photos too - there is lots of variety among us guys which makes the world an interesting place.
show n tell? all good - i'm...
Thts me!!
Joined the group , so thot of sharing mine...
https://i.gyazo.com/80e955ec2d03f20f2d41c569ccc7b51a.mp4 https://i.gyazo.com/d44d9aecd557a122d937350eb43825fd.png