
Club access information

We're using this profile to detail Club access information in the profile description. Directions, gate combination, phone numbers excetera.... That's why it's an omnius and annoying private profile. (Normally I despise private...

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Membership who what why!

If you're already a member of truenudist (and I presume you are if you're reading this). We are already considering you a member, if you need directions to the club send a friend request to the moderator profile on the bottom of this page....

Filipino nudist

to those who want to show their bodies do not feel ashamed because there is nothing wrong with me naked other people do not understand your life because they do not know you just because other people are rude

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According to Forbes nudity is on the rise...

Nude vacations are on the rise in 2020 according to this Forbes article https://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesasquith/2020/01/16/fancy-a-naked-holiday-nude-vacations-are-growing-in-popularity-in-2020/ Apparently some nude vacation spots are booked solid...

Club versus Resort

By operating as a "club" we're able to create a nude Recreation area that's very affordable, if we took the position of "resort" the additional legal and regulatory requirements would make the recreation area too...

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Exciting news!

We've been bouncing some ideas around with the three newest members, we've come up with some innovative ideas for the club. We're working out the details now. This will no doubt get the activity pumping for spring! I will post an outline...

Spamming and Correction on the domain names

Correction on the domain names, the https designation doesn't seem to be working for some of the web addresses. I think the problem is with the host server but it doesn't matter. Just use the www. With the name followed by, .com or just use...

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Great Idea!!

I really like this idea you have. (Being conspiracy conversation minded you might consider something different than "Club-33"). Given the direction you are going with this, I think the entryway sign, under the property name, should read;...

Can you join the page

If you have a second can you hit the plus key, to make sure that you've joined the page? ( At least, On my browser it won't show if I joined unless I hit the plus key to confirm). We wanted to make sure everyone that stops by to read or...

More domain names!

We added two more domain names that forward to the main club webpage. https://Zorrogarden.com And https://33naked.com Have been registered, and are now set to forward to https://club33naked.com if you have occasion to relay the web address to...

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