Nude art figure models
San Francisco / Bay Area Artists, Photographers, Film Makers I'm always looking to connect and collaborate with new artists, photographers, and film makers of all experience and skill levels of exciting and interesting projects involving the...
If anyone can use a large bearded mature male model give me a shout. I'm based in Saddleworth, north of Manchester UK
If you can use a large bearded mature male model give me a shout. I'm fine with indoor or studio shoots, outdoor shoots must be in a private location. I'm based near Manchester uk
Longtime photographer here in the north Atlanta burbs. Always looking for new subjects to photograph. No modeling experience needed, and you need not have that "model look" at all. I am quite good at creating fine images of all sorts of...
Hi everyone, Im an amateur artist who's currently working on life drawing. I'd just been going to the local community art drop in and even working one on one with a few local models. However because if the current situation obviously...
Hey Folks! I am hoping to book a model or two for a session Sunday, or Tuesday. I have a couple of folks lined up, but looking to pack my schedule. This is my relaxation during a mentally and emotionally taxing time in life. I'm going to have...
I am a retired, disabled U.S. Navy Illustrator-Draftsman. I am currently a member of VFW Post #1, and, one of their resident artists at their VFW Post # 1 Art Gallery, in Downtown Denver's Santa Fe Drive Art District. I am getting ready to start...
I hope I don't put my neck on the chopping block here when I discuss the fact that due to genetics, I am carrying some weight, but I happy in my skin. I am a mature male model and have had some good photo shoots done. Sadly, though, I...
Hi, Im an amateur photographer visiting Cardiff from the 17th to the 19th Jan. I am looking to expand my photography and improve my skills. I exclusively shoot the male nude from all walks of life. The session will include solo, duo and group photos...
I am available for any kind of modeling, drawing, photo, performance, public or private event