Nude art figure models

Naked Camping with Artists (Artists &...

Come pose for artists! I'm hosting an artsy naked camping weekend June 10-12, 2016 in Lehighton, PA. Please join me! Naked hugs, Shungaboy

Western Australia

Avail to model. Life drawing, sculpture and photography. Looking to start a group in Dongara atm :) I am always looking for interesting people to join with at south beach for nude holidays. Anytime of the year is good here but summer is HOT and...

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Nude photography workshop

Hello all, just wanted to let everyone know about an exciting nude photography workshop coming up in October for which myself and 5 beautiful nude females will be modeling. It is a workshop for novice and advanced photographers alike, directed by...

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Bonn, Germany

Hi and thanks for looking at my post, I am going to be in Bonn overnight on Thursday 13th August. If anyone in interested in a hotel room shoot let me know.Hallo und vielen Dank fr das Betrachten meiner Post, ich werde in Bonn ber Nacht am...

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Male Webcam Art Model

Hey everyone, Have never tried art modelling but have wanted to try for a while now. Would be interested in modelling for some people on webcam, before doing it for real to gain some expierence.

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male model

I enjoy being creative in the nude and collaborating with an experimental artist in photography, sculpture, drawing, etc. I would also enjoy to pose together with another male model, preferably dark skinned for contrasts. No sexual or financial...

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wanna try modelling

hi all , i would like to try modelling,pics or drawing.. ty

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Male model wanted - NL

Hi there,To improve on my drawing/sketching/painting abilities, I am looking for male models who are willing to help me by posing for me.It is not a professional job, it won't be in front of a group, just me.Preferably guys that are in shape....

SoCal photographer gauging interest for...

Looking for folks with unique physical characteristics to model fully nude for photo / book project. Examples - microtia, vitiligo, hirsutism, polydactylism, straubismus, alopecia, dwarfism, asymmetry, unusual size or position of genitals, buttocks,...

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Nude Model in Athens, Greece.

Hi, I am available to model nude for photographers or painters in Athens, Greece. All proposals welcome. Thanks