Couchsurfing - places to stay while traveling

Australia or South Africa?

Planning ahead for the end of the year holiday. Have vacation 20 December 2018 - 7 January 2019 and the husband and I want to explore either Australia or South Africa. Both sound so exciting. We want to have lots of nudist opportunities, and...

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Nice, France from 9-15 february '18

Anyone want to meet me in Nice? Always nice to meet other truenudists-members...

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Tampa 1-12-18

Hi..I am coming to Tampa for one night. Anyone able to host me?

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Anyone in Tulsa

Ill be in Tulsa in February and seeking a place for a night or two. If I get a hotel I could host a couchsurfer.

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We can host some overnighter with advanced notice. Salt Lake City.

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Traveling Naked

We would love to find Nudist that would be willing to Host Us. We plan to do some traveling through the south and west coast and other areas that are not too cold . I am from the Philippines and really want to see the USA.

Zurich 17/12/17

Hello nudist friends, Im flying to Lisbon via Zurich and have a night stop there Ill land at 21:35 and have my flight next day at 12h...I was supposed to stay with a friend that he did disappeared so I might end up looking for a place to stay if...

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London bridge is coming up

Greetings from down under. I am going to be in London for a few days at the beginning of the year. Is there anyone with a spare bedroom for a couple of nights? If so, I'd love to hear from you.

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Lisbon 6-13 May 2018

I am hoping to be in Lisbon during the week 6th to 13th May 2018...yes, it's Eurovision week. It would be really cool to find some nudist accommodation.