Couchsurfing - places to stay while traveling
I will be traveling through SF next week, June 19-21 and have accommodation for most of my stay, but things are still uncertain for these dates. If anyone can host me for even one of these nights, it would be very much appreciated! I consider myself...
In July we will have some space avail....let us know ahead of time.......
I will be in Burnaby Friday 6/10 - 6/13. If anyone there wants to chat a bit over coffee.
I am making a quick visit to L.A. July 4-7, 2017 and am interested in staying with those who appreciate social and home nudity. 45yo WM 6'0" 210#
I am making a quick visit to L.A. July 4-7, 2017 and am interested in staying with those who appreciate social and home nudity. 45yo WM 6'0" 210#
I and my bf want to travel to Berlin. we dont have a certain date so I can manage dates with our hosts:) I am shy nudist but I love to be nude but my bf is not a nudist and I want him to get used to the idea therefore I am looking for a nudist host...
Hi, Visiting Luxembourg for two nights in September (7 &8). Is there anyone who can host a mature nudist? I am 60, non smoker, vegetarian, friendly. Thanks Steve
Hey All! I'll be visiting Oslo June 27th-July 3rd, was hoping that a local nudist could host me for part or all of the stay. PM me please! -Matt
Hello all. I'll be in Bakersfield, CA this week 5/23-26. Are there any hosts in the area? PM me. Thanks
Im travelling to Cleveland and Chicago and would like to have a place to stay Thanks, Ray