Couchsurfing - places to stay while traveling
Hey there I will be in NYC from april 4 to the 8th! anyone want to meet up?
A friend is playing in a play in Palm Springs and I would like to see the play.Unfortunately, it's the Coachella weekend and everything is either booked or triple the cost what it normally is.I can't afford that.Looking for a gay nudist guy...
Hi,I am travelling from Cincinnati to Philadelphia May 7-8th. I am looking for a place to stay half way along the journey and there in Philadelpia. I'd also like to explore the west coast in that week. Any offer? Or just a chance to meet? Rick
My partner and I are driving to Asheville on July 4 from Savannah, GA. We would love to find a nudist or nudist couple to stay with for 2 nights. We have plans to tour the Biltmore on Tuesday, 7/5 and will leave Wednesday morning to drive on to...
Hey... I'll be in Denver for a week for a training course. I would be awesome if someone would host me during that time.
Anyone along I-69 North of Indy, in Indianapolis or South of Indy on I-65 have a place? Will be traveling thru there Monday evening.
I will be in Louisville a couple of days the first of April. It would be great to find someone to host me . Thanks
Hi my friend and I will be in Athens for a few days in early July, then going to Kefalonia. Looking for friendly nudist locals to show us around.
Hey all, I'm going to take a short trip to Athens which will be at least a little warmer than Berlin and hopefully I can possibly be nude outside at that time we will see. But if no outside nudity then at least I can stay with someone who is a...
No specific date but I would like to come up and explore a city I lived in way back in the 80s but in recent years have only flown thru Ohare. I will be arriving by Southshore train and would like to be able to get to your place using the El. dates...