Ham Naturist
Was wondering if anyone was planning to go to Dayton this year. -HeavyD-
Travelites will be having the annual Ham Radio Event and Luau in Graniteville, SC on July 23rd. I don't know what frequency we'll be on, but if you email the club at travelites@prodigy.net, I'll send out a CQ @ 3-4pm.
I was just wondering if anyone was going to do a nude field day? Gives new meaning to running bearfoot!
I have noticed the growing numbers of hams who prefer to combine thier naturist hobby. This is the reason is have started this gruop. I notice that Truenudists didn't have a hamnaturist group so I found it nessecary. As the growing members of...
Northeast Louisiana Amatur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) will host a Technician class study class for those who desire to get started in Ham Radio. Technician class study class April 17, 2009 6:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.Cent. and April 18, 2009 8:00 A.M....
Pacific Area Naturists Amateur Radio Society will operate a Special Event Station at the Western Naturist Gathering on Oct 2. Listen for NU6DE at 1PM PDT (2000 UTC) on 7265 KHz +/-. Jim WB6ZPB trustee for NU6DE.
We will meet at Indian Hills on Saturday July 17, 2010 at 12:00 P.M. https://www.indianhillspark.com/Map.html
We'll be on the air @ 2:30 on Saturday, July 24th from Graniteville, SC. We've gotten as far away as Michigan, Illinois, and New Orleans. Let me know if you'll be listening for us. As we get closer, I'll post the details.