Love the Male Body

Body types and Dating

I'm not sure what the validity is of this article, but when I read it, I became extremely upset about the state of our society. What this article tells me is that...

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Let's see some male bodies you think are...

OK, people... post some pics of guys you think have hot bodies! no requirements... after all, everyone is going to have a different opinion on this and no one is wrong! (and help me out a bit, please?! i tried to post some pics yesterday and...

Blame the Victorians

Well maybe not all the blame should lie with them but they certainly put the lid on the coffin! Going back through the years people have usually been oblivious as to whether certain parts of their body were on show. Ok we have, never in any time...


Hi, I'm NonFictionJeff (aka Jeff). Just joined the group and wanted to say Hi.

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The entire male body

It was quite interesting to read all about the way some of us love certain parts of the male anatomy and descriptions of certain changing parts. After all the concentration upon certain parts of the bodies, I'd love to put it all together again...

Not just for Body builder types Right?

Hope this isn't just for the perfect male or else I'll have to remove myself.

Sunshine, Private Beach, and No Clothes!

Ever fantasize about the perfect tropical island setting where being nakedis no big deal? I operate an intimate resort on a private beach on Koh Phangan in Thailand where we offer naked yoga retreats as well as active excursions (hikes, boat rides...

OK, Betsy, I joined--I'll post when I can

Betsy, I joined the group. It's bothered me from the beginning that I have like 80 photos in my album--and I'm naked in all but one of them--but most people can only see five (and one of those is always the ONE where I'm dressed)....