Woodlot Nudist Retreat Friends


If any get info on weather woodlot will be open Sunday for the great weather please post I know pool is not filled but still would love to go enjoy the sun

openintb day

Like the excitement around baseballs opening day how many of us can not wait for opening day at wood lot. Who plans on being there I know I will and would love to plan a cook out if others would like

Warm weather comimg

Does anyone know weather Woodlot is going to be open this year? I know there are rumors that it will not be opened. Just wondering if anyone has an update

Hope for sun !

I was able to phone Gene and if it's sunny he should be open . See you there !

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Saturday 10-15-16

It looks like this Saturday could be nice . Any chance Woodlot will be open ?

Sunday oct 9

Anyone headed out today any one go yesterday

Latest PostOnly 2 of us .
by baldbeauty 
This weekend in october

Looks like sunny and 65 anyone plan on going out there

This weekend.

Oops I guess I was wrong. Fog turned into clouds. Woodlot might be closed. Suggest calling first.

This weekend.

I won't be at Woodlot today but looks like Sun will burn off fog. Chilly but comfortable. Come out and enjoy yourself. It should be open aroumd 11am.

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Sunday sun day

Is there a chance if sun is out that anyone will be there today?