Computer Club.

TRUE NUDIST Testimonials.

Thought I'd compile a list, to show anyone new to the site, how happy a lot of us are that we've finally found a great community here, and that it's well worth getting to know your way around and becoming a part of it. Feel free to post...

Chat room information

These are the rules you agree to before you go in to chat room. h2Chat Room Rules and Regulations/h2 p style="line-height: 2em;"1. No Sexual Discussion, or Sexual Activities on Chat 2. No Crotch Shots. Faces on cam please. 3. If you do not...

Rule Amendment Announcement.

Just wanted to point out to everyone, that mainly in response to the recent increase in the number of Inappropriate groups being created, but also as a deterrent, for any type of distasteful behaviour, I and a few others, have been adding this...

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Good web cam

I'm buying a new web cam,but there are so many to choose.....whats your recommendation?

Computer Tips

INDEX. #01. TO TURN YOUR PICTURE UP THE RIGHT WAY. #02. A NEW MAC TIP EVERY DAY, + ROTATING PHOTOS (ON A MAC) #03. WATERMARK YOUR PHOTOS, _____________________________________________________________________________________ #01. TO TURN YOUR PICTURE...

Hi, and welcome to the group.

Hi, and welcome to the group. I hope this will become a very useful resource, for anyone having difficulty with their pc or just navigating the site. At this time there are over 4200 of us, and we are growing at nearly a 1000 a week, so there should...

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