Men Who Are "Smaller then Average" Down There

As I mentioned

before, shaving just draws attention to a small penis. Nothing nicer than giving a small guy a nice nest to be comfy in

About shaving

your pubes, David. I say no. First, it makes you look more like a man in my eyes, and second, it will only draw attention to a smaller penis. I enjoy having my small penis nestled in the soft pubic hairs, peeking out at the world.


As a male nudist I enjoy seeing the variety of shapes and sizes of people who bare it all. I think men who are less well endowed and confident in their nudity are great examples to younger males who may be self conscious...While I am I think above...

thinking that

the foreskin holds back the penis. I know if my foreskin is over the glans, then I am real small, but if the skin is back behind the head, then show bigger.

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you should

be very proud of that one mfglasg. Very nice

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Why are there so many groups whereas the administrator never allows photos for collection? What good is a group if you can't share your views in image as well as writ? Cock Rings group is the same way . . . this one no diff. jy Beg pardon on...

Re finally

Glad to see more guys are joining the group and are comfortable with the penis they have and are equally at ease it sharing their photos for all of the group to see.

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Uploading penis photos

How to upload photos of your pens only for this group? I would like to share photos of my small penis with this group. How do I do it? Small penises rule.

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