I'm a Skinny Dipper!
I have several spots where I skinnydip on my travels around the area where I live, but all of them require a little detour off my usual route from point A to point B. Most of my swims are after-work on weekdays, I rarely plan a whole day outing for...
When I was a kid, it was just normal to swim naked with my male friends. It was all super innocent and we didnt think twice about it. Heck, if I was staying at a friends house we might take a bath together. There was a farm pond, away from the road,...
When I was 11, my cousin and I were fishing with my dad. It was one of those days where the fish were NOT biting and my cousin and I were very board. I asked my dad if we could jump in the water (it was only 4-5'deep) and he said no, you're...
Its fall and already colder than the 80s we were experiencing last week. My wife and I found a great swimming hole at about 7000 in the Sierras. Ive promised to keep the location secret though. My wifes swim was brief. I dont think she likes cold...
I would like to swim in a wild water in a canyon. It's too far away and will probably remain an eternal dream. Have somebody already done that? Do you have any pictures of it? Where was that? I drove past it once in Italy years ago. I've...
Went to MILs place for pre work check up. On the way in we stopped by the river park. The river called very loudly to come in. MIL and I walked to a past place for me to wade and swim. I got to free swim while she watched and enjoyed. Great way to...
Hello all, I've only just joined so if you feel the urge then please feel free to say G'day ! Always interested in making new friends and hearing about your home town, I live in the state of Victoria, South Eastern Australia. I've been a...
We had been swimming over at my Mother-in-Law's pool, my wife her sisters and all our kids were there to visit and swim too. So, of course, suits were expected. A couple days later my wife was getting ready to wash the swim towels. "...
I suppose that I have more opportunities than many people to swim naked (4 private pools and one ocean so far this year), and a couple of spots on lakes to enjoy in a few weeks when they warm up. But wouldn't it be nice if it were the norm...
It would be great if some had a swimming pond or lake on their property to share but that seems to be more of Wisconsin or Indiana type of a situation. If someone does please reach out. Thanks.