I'm a Skinny Dipper!

Dipiti dip

Was up at Algonquin Provincial park on JULY 21st, our neighbour we found out was there renting a cabin AT A SECLUDED LAKE with her BF..She ended up inviting us to stay OVERNIGHT with them on our check out day, This park is HUGE it has over 1.500...

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International Skinny Dipping Day

How come no one is talking about this here. So apparently the second weekend of July is International Skinny Dipping Day. July 9th for 2022. I would think this is the best day for group meetups. I dont know what I am doing but it will need to be...

Deep creek

Went to deep creek near Hesperia, ca, Saturday. From bowen ranch ($5 per person day use) my choice as a starting point, it is 2 miles into the valley where the hot springs are. There is an elevation change of 978 feet down. Most in the last 1/2 mile...

Skinny dipping

We love skinny dipping. We have gone skinny dipping several places. Last time was on the north shore of Lake Michigan. We were driving along US Hwy #2 and came across some sand dunes. We pulled off the road and ventured over the dunes. The beach was...


Has anyone without a pool of their own used Swimply to rent a pool for a nude swim? If you haven't heard of Swimply, think AirBnB for pools - people rent out use of their pools for an hourly rate. I was wondering if anyone here had used it, and...

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First Nude Swim of the Year

Pool got opened late and grandson's school got out early, so I hadn't had the opportunity for a nude swim in our pool until today. Hope to get more now that our grandson is back with his mother for 2 weeks and will be in day camp 9 - 3 when...

Skinny Dipping

My first skinny dipping experience occurred when I was around 12 or 13. Started puberty at 11 and was well on my way towards man-sized equipment by the time of that skinny dipping experience. A friend had a friend who was watching his neighbor's...

Naked People Photo Project

Hello, check my new project out and send your photos if you want :) https://naked-people.blogspot.com/2021/07/naked-people-home-edition_5.html

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Nude swims

Hello fellow nudies. I've seen on several threads and sites about folks renting pools or hosting nude swims. I have two questions, Who has arranged a nude swim at a actual facility ? Who has been to a nude swim that was hosted at an actual...

Skinny Dipping Full Throttle

It is 100% Skinny Dipping Season here in the good 'ol AZ! So excited to be able to be in the pool all weekend!