I'm a Skinny Dipper!

Hot tub swim spa, in my back yard.

I have a hot tub swim spa, on my patio. I love going out and getting in, in the buff. Any females want to enjoy a soak, Im open for visitors, and making friends.

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Nice nude soak in the hot tub this evening...

Followed by a cool down skinny dip in the pool. How did I ever survive without my own backyard pool?

Anyplace in Tidewater/Hampton Roads to...

It's been a few weeks since my last time, I was hoping to get one more dip in before summer ended. My pool liner gave out 2 weeks ago, we were out of town for a while so I didn't replace it yet. Whitetail doesn't want unaccompanied men,...

skinny dipping Newfoundland

Anyone in Newfoundland interested in skinny dipping this summer?

New to the group

Driving from Olympia Washington area back to san Diego area next Sunday and Monday hoping to catch a dip along the way. Any one intrested in hosting or meeting.

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Hi there

I love skinny dipping and was a participant in the AANR attempts on the world skinny dipping record Wish I had more opportunities to practice it

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Hot Tub Apres

Any skiers or boarders post ski hot tub stories? Ski season is just around the corner, planning to host some Hot Tub parties this winter!

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The Skinny-dipping President.

One of the most Conservative, die-hard Christian Presidents of the United States of America, was an active skinny-dipper? https://www.businessinsider.com/john-quincy-adams-skinny-dipping-routine-2017-2

Anybody know of any skinny dipping spots...

Last one I knew of by Madison was closed because of sexual activities. Haven't been able to find anything.