I'm a Skinny Dipper!

AANR Skinny Dip Saturday!

Anyone else going to an AANR Skinny Dip event on Saturday the 11th? I'll be heading to the nearest club (Avalon in WV). Looks like it'll be good and hot this week, and hopefully the weather will continue to cooperate into the weekend!

Skinny Dipping at Cypress Cove on July 11th....

Is anyone going to Cypress Cove on Saturday July 11th for National Skinny Dipping Day? I read where it's free between 10am and 3pm with the big picture taken at 3. I'm planning on it if everything works out. Haven't been there yet.

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During a summer break during my college years, I worked at a golf course in a small town. The course also had a swimming pool behind the golf shop. I was the one to lock everything up when the course closed (golf carts, golf shop and pool). After...

Northern Alberta dip holes?

Hello all I am new to Northern Alberta and was wondering if anyone has gone skinny dipping up here or could recommend nice, safe locations for it up here.

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Seattle area

Has anyone gotten out to go skinnydipping (or chunky-dunking) yet this spring?

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Where are the best spots to skinnydip in New...

About five years ago I took a two week vacation to Vermont with the express purpose to find as many nude swimming holes and places to hike naked and I found many places to skinnydip! In the southern part of the state there is the Ledges and Rock...

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Toronto Ontario - Feb 7th at 6:30 PM...

For those in the Toronto, Canada area on the 7th, the GTA Skinnydippers is hosting a swim at the Dufferin Clark pool. Swim starts at 6:30 and runs for 2 hours. Many get together afterwards for a social time which we have made reservations at East...

Skinny dipping in Arkansas

We have enjoyed finding a quiet cove and doing some sunning and skinny dipping. Just something about enjoying nature aunautral. Some added adrenalin with the possibility of being caught. In Arkansas it is illegal to be nude unless with your spouse...

Cooling weather

Sadly, skinny dipping time is just about over for the season here in SE Texas. The water is just getting too cool to enjoy. :( I'll look forward to March or April. Gator1