Men Who Are "Average" Down There

New guy

Hey all I'm new on here and just looking to connect and chat with more nudist. My skype is jsum2012.

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Average is relative !

OK....I'm average I guess. But it really depends upon what I'm doing at the time. There's a big difference between a "polar plunge" and stroking alongin warm water. I'm sureyou get my drift !

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A larger Penis

Suppose all our wildest dreams, and aspirations were to be fulfilled regarding the size of your penis. What I am going to ask now is, other thanhaving it on display in the shower, change room, nudist beach,or sun club; What else would you do with it?

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Why do guys like to have a bigger penis then...

It is funny most people not say I want a bigger hand or knee? So why do we want a bigger penis then what you have? I think it because of a few things like 1 - the first thing you look at when in the show in the guys cock 2 - your a grower or shower...

new member

hi guys I am a new mwmber just 6.5 cut cock

Purpose for this group

I found it interesting that there were groups for guys with large members and small. There was even a group for guys that are small but happy with it. What about the majority of us that are just average? So, I decided to start this group as a...

Another new member here

May I join you guys? Weighing, or should that be measuring, in at just over 5.5 in and 5 in Girth. Uncut and never having any problems

Skype ?

If any of you Guys are interested on skype is my adddress:

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Do rings help men perform better?

I just turned the big 60 and have had some problems in the past with my performance not being what it used to be. I was just wondering if any of the members have used rings and if it helped in your performance. I have seen guys wearing them a lot on...

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I have always thought that i was small when it come to penis size, but after seeing other nudist on this site I realized that I am average and should be happy with what i have. I have seen alot of guys that I think are smaller than I am and they...