Catholic Nudists

new to group.

Greetings from south Alabama. Catholic all my life and proud of it.

World Youth Day 2013...

Did you follow Pope Francis on his journey to JMJ / World Youth Day 2013 ? What are your impressions about this ? And what do you feel or think about what He said ? I myself feel very excited, Just watching the events on TV made me feel the energy...


It's been some time since we had a new post so I thought I'd open a discussion about Lent. It's only a few days away. For those of you who have given thought over how you'll be observing Lent would you care to volunteer your plans?...

Prayer Requests

Hello all! I am starting this thread so that we may easily request prayers of one another. Just post your intention however specific or vague, for personal intentions just say "...and for a special intention." I would like to request...

Something to think about.

A coincidence is when God is excluded from the explanation. I don't think most people will understand this, what do you think

Gay Catholics?

Just throwing it out there. If there are any gay Catholics here (especially in or around Atlanta) speak now. :-) We do exist, you know!

Nudity and the Church

Karol Cardinal Wojtyla (Blessed Pope John Paul II) onnakedness: "The human body can remain naked and uncovered and preserve intact its splendor and its beauty... Nakedness as such is not to be equatedwith physical shamelessness... Immodesty is...

Any Catholic Nudists in the Gulf Coast Area...

We are trying to form a group of like-minded people for social gatherings and group travel to nudist resorts and the like.