Catholic Nudists

Strange Dream

I had the strangest dream last night. I went to mass in a church that was not my parish. The relatively young pastor came out for mass dressed in the usual clerical garb, but when it was time for the consecration, he said that since is a reenactment...

Our Nakedness is a Precious Gift

Just a gentle reminder, which I am sure all of you are very aware of. That our nakedness is a precious gift because we were all made in God's Holy Image and Likeness. How Blessed Are We! Wishing everyone here a very Merry, Blessed and Nude...

Nudist friends

Hey. Looking to make some friends for nudism, and fun activities in the COnnecticut area or nearby. Im looking for people in the 23-45 range. Please send me a private message if interested

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Nudist friends

Hey. Looking to make some friends for nudism, and fun activities in the COnnecticut area or nearby. Im looking for people in the 23-45 range. Please send me a private message if interested

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Nudist Spirituality/Prayer Group

I would love to be part of a Prayer Group where we could lift up our hearts to the Lord while naked in a spirit of simplicity and peace. Maybe even a Bible study or Faith sharing. Has anyone heard of anything like this anywhere? I am in the NYC area...

Pray for peace

I think it is right and proper that we all have a strong moment of prayer for world peace.

Best wishes

I wish everyone a happy and holy Christmas and that 2022 can bring joy and overcoming the problems of recent times.

Latest PostHappy Nude year
by tvlguy61 
catholic nudist saints

Catholics actually have four saints they can consider as patron saints of nudists, even though they aren't officially recognized as being patron saints of nudists as of yet: Onuphrius, Peter of Athos, Macarius of Egypt, and Paul the Hermit. They...

Pope John Paul II as Patron Saint for Nudists

I've been promoting the idea of having St. Pope John Paul II as the patron saint of nudists. I've contacted AANR about this but they didn't want to go down this road. In researching patron saints I found that there are no formal...