Catholic Nudists


I wish everyone a peaceful Sunday and a happy feast of the Assumption

Tell a friend

Has anyone ever told a Catholic friend that you are a nudist? How did they react? Any advice on the best way to tell a friend?

Best wishes to all

Best wishes to all who are in this group . I'm Andrea from Italy and I am 53 years old. Seeking contacts and friendships as well as in the world of nudism ( where I am a beginner) also to live together the Catholic faith . Free to contact me...

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Anyone Catholic Nudist in OC/LB/LA?

Would love to find other Catholic nudists in the OC/LB/LA area. please feel free to message me. thanks...

Seeking connection with older nudist...

I know of maybe a dozen older ( active or retired priest ), as well as a few ministers of other faiths - who are all long time nudist. We were all born naked & in God's perfect concept. Each of us is very beautiful - in our unique way.

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Catholic Hispanic nudist

I am a Catholic Hispanic nudist in central California, raised in the United States born in Mexico. I am glad to see many other Catholics into nudism on here too. I say it's okay to be Catholic and nudist.

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New Jersey Catholics

Any New Jersey Catholics in this group?

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The Lenten season has begun and as we work our way toward Easter I thought it would be interesting to see if there is anything special each of us is doing to prepare for Easter. I signed up for an online course on St. Francis de Sales from a local...

Nudist Friends

Has anyone made a Catholic nudist friend yet?

Faithful to the Truth by Stephen Lovatt

he's a british catholic gay author who defends same-sex marriage from a traditionalist catholic perspective. this is where you can buy his...