Catholic Nudists

moving to northern Virginia after Jan 1st

I'll be new to the area. Looking for housing (room or apartment) in the Sterling/Ashburn VA area. Preferably nudist/naturist or at least c/o friendly. Anyone have a room to rent or know of something? Message me.

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Reading the Encyclical

I'm working my way through Francis's new encyclical. It is a heavier document that "Joy of the Gospel" as befits its subject matter and its place in Church teaching , but contains quotable lines and a lot of food for thought. Like...

i've been thinking...

if i ever went to a nudist place that had several forests and fields with a resort, i could find a nice remote part of the nudist place, pray the rosary and let the holy spirit overcome my soul.

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Hello, I am always HAPPY to know fellow Catholic nudists. My Facebook account is Antonio Giovannini, email

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Starting a Social Nudity Group for New...

I'm reviving a thread in the group "New Orleans Nudists". | Join our discussion!! | Help us out, pass this message on to friends along the central Gulf coast. |...

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I am looking for someone in the St. Louis metro east area to take nude photos of me for posting. Thanks

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Hey everyone. Take some time to introduce yourself. I'm a nudist from Ohio who was born and raised Catholic. I'm not a extremely strict Catholic - if I were, I'd probably have too much shame to go nude anyhow.

hi there

i'm a 20 year old aspie (aka someone diagnosed with aspegers) in north carolina