Announcements on True Nudists

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Weird things happening on TN

When I logged in today, the top banner had a number "1" next to "HOME". Great I thought, a new friend or a comment on one of my pictures. Clicked on "Home". There's a "1" after "Updates" and...

Permissions & Photo Viewing - mine are all...

I have set all of my photos to "alll users" for permissions, but a lot of people can't see them!?!? Why is that? Isn't the concept of being on here to be "TRUE NUDISTS"? Isn't it up to me who sees them? Doesn't...

Click for this donations. Did anybody ever...

Did anyone, if you excuse the pun, vet the meals for vets site? I have always been told to check-out a charity before making a donation. So, I went to the which is a really good site to vet charities. Low and behold, neither...


ASSATEAGUE ISLAND FALL CLEANUP 2012 Registration is now open for volunteers to assist with the American Association for Nude Recreations beach clean-up of Assateague State Park located on Marylands portion of the Assateague Island National Seashore,...

handy man gardner wanted

Am looking for a handyman come gardner who can work naked for me west of melbourne australia

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Photo Collection

An interesting collection of photos can be found at Nude Photography & GraphicsGroup. Click on the photos box. Link below.

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Why have Lexia_ram and nicenudies been...

Why? We don't know. But we do know that they should NOT have been taken off.If you feelstronglyabout this read on and then please lobby admin by sending a message to TeamTrue2 Our story...Until...

Wrongly Flagged?

I have just heard that Lexia_Ram was removed from the site because she was flagged by multiple users. No warning, just out. Is this some kind of vendetter, baecause she was one of the most popular members on the site? I have never met anyone so...

have i been banned

loggedon to chat about 2.30am today clicked onto chat on top row but found could not click onany namesame at 8.30 am why is this it would have been nice if explanation had been left wat is problem