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Moment allow me to say to Knee Length Bridesmaid Dress you: Come on God! Come on God! when the patch of barren land under the care of your irrigation alarming , recovery and vibrant , colorful , north face know that this process contains a...
True Nudists has come a long way since its launch in 2008. The community has grown to well over 110,000 users worldwide. True Nudists has always tried to differentiate from fellow nudist sites by staying true to the non-sexual environment that true...
TT1 and I (TT2) do read many of the forum topics although we try to stay in the background. I apologize if TT1 seems to have disappeared and many say has neglected the site. The opposite is in fact true. He has been busting his butt working around...
I can't stand the new Updates section, I only care to hear about what my chosen Friends are doing, NOT what everyone on their friends list are saying or doing as well! Would appreciate if anyone can tell me how I can disable all that and only...
I have raised a bug report for this but not had any response, When I try to create a new discussion in a group it simply takes me into the forum.Has anyone else encountered this ? And has anyone actually had a response from Admin in regard to a bug...
Im not sure how international this is, but I know Australia and New Zealand make a reasonably big deal out of it. Basicly its to promote mens health, and encourages guys to grow a Mo, and gain sponsership etc etc. If anyone from Aussie wanting to...
We received a message from "Miriam in Ghana" telling us about herself and how she needed help getting access to some funds her father left her. This is the first time that we have received one of these messages, other than through our...
Is there away I can see which friends added pics or videos? Next question why the sudden rash of fake profiles and obvious dudes pretending to be chicks?
After much back and forth with 123FlashChat, I've had them revert the chat back to version 8.2. There seems to be a language barrier that is preventing them from understanding my explanation of the bug in the new version. They actually keep...