Announcements on True Nudists
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Well as of last week our paypal account for donations was cancelled by paypal because our site was deemed "adult" or "inappropriate". Donations were up and pretty much covering hosting costs, but with the donations gone, I'm...
Anyone joining in this year? I went to one that was a three hour drive away and then chickened out. Maybe if a few people met here before going, there would be some friendly faces (like there wouldn't!) when you got there. Toronto's is on...
A traditional turn of phrase used by real estate experts to stress that the three most important factors in determining the desirability of a property are location, location, location. This phrase was famously adapted in a speech by former British...
Hey Folks, Ive been thinking for a while now that it might be fun to put together a group camping trip sometime this summer. If anyones interested in helping me organize this little event please drop a message my way and let me know. Im going to...
CONGRATULATIONS TT1 !!!!!!!! We just hit, (((((((((( TEN THOUSAND MEMBERS ))))))))))
World Naked Gardening Day! on the first Saturday of May. easiest post I ever made! haha!
If you had the choice of spending a week holliday in a resort, what place would you prefer. 1- A resortnear the beach 2- A resort in the jungle 3- A resort in a private island
Congratulations! NorCalCouple, for winning the trip to the Terra Cotta Inn! YOU LUCKY PEOPLE! I'm sure you'll have fantastic time there, We'll expect a full report, WITH pics, upon your return! Phil.
How come when I go into the chat room I can see and read what everyone is typing but when I respond and hit the send button, what I type dissapears? It doesn't come up on screen
Happy New Year! to you too TT1, .......forgot about you! .....hehe I'm sure many will join me in wishing you, a Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year. Thanks for all your efforts in 08. Looking forward to what you have in store for us in 09....