Nude Photography & Graphics
Hello. I am new to this group and to TN. I am really jazzed about this group, as I am passionate about outdoor nude photography.I uploaded several photos to the group during the last couple days to add to the others that are in this vein.I am hoping...
As Group Creator/moderator, I recently found it necessary to deny several submissions of photos. While I, personally did not find them offensive and could see artistic merit, they clearly violated the TOS of TN. Please read the site guidelines...
Thanks to MacNude for approving my membership! My inaugural photo: Playfully called "In Praise of the Zoom Lens" Pamela
New photos have been added, today by Davesmooth and others bring to total photos in Group to 168.
Hi everyone, I just joined the group and thought id say hi and post my recent digital painting here. Let me know what you think. thanks, -bunny
To view photos submitted to group, simply click on picture of feet which is captioned "No group Photo".
I think the shadows make for an interestingphoto.
We now have 135 photos posted in group. Keep up the good work!