Backyard Nudists
We've finally decided its time to get serious about back yard privacy, (even though I'm the only one who will use it nude). I've started taking down an old chain link fence, digging out 30 year old weeds that had been inaccessible due to...
...who can possibly look over the fence? I've seen a lot of topics but the most recent one close is about " close are your neighbors..." almost a year ago. Sometimes I see neighbors' heads but if they are closer to the fence...
Hey gang, I see a very large number of folks in the group but noby seems to be talking to anyone. Where is evrybody at
Took advantage of the unusually warm weather yesterday to get some rare outdoor nude time on my deck in November.
What is difference between nudists and flasher when neighbor sees them naked i am always scared my neighbour will see me naked and will think i am pervert
We do all of our yard work in the nude. The next door neighbor likes to watch Debbie !
Ive decided Im going to transform my exs She Shed into my Bare Barn. She mainly used it for art projects so its not finished aside from insulation. Needs some cleaning, some drywall and some furniture and I have to get rid of a bunch of crap, but...
Have you ever gotten "caught" naked in your backyard by an unsuspecting friend or guest stopping by the house?
I was just talking to my neighbor lady through the fence which has gaps in it and I was naked. I told her that I was doing laps around the yard for exercise and it was safer than walking on the street and I can do it naked and she said all the...
We live in a suburban community of two storey houses where the neighbors have a clear view into each others backyards from their second storey windows. This clearly presents challenges being naked in the backyard as there is a very good chance that...