Backyard Nudists
Enjoying these first few 70+ Mississippi mornings outdoors with my nude coffee! The breeze feels wonderful and I long for a nice quite morning nude hike (but thats always the hard part to find!) EVERYBODY have a Great Day!
I love puttering around our yard naked and do so almost daily. I also do a few chores for the next door neighbor lady in the nude. She seems to enjoy watching me work...
Hi guys, Maybe some of you know my dressed-undressed blog: Last year I startarted with a few similar projects - an extended version of my previous blog, one for home nudists,...
Are there any Cols Ohio nudists out there?
Decided to get away for a week. Probably should have stayed home. Could have been nude in the back yard.
Being fully naked at outdoor area is so excited feeling and the best and safe place to do that is the backyard so I am always completely naked at my backyard .
I just wanted to post here to try and clear the air. We are a real account, and we are good people. Our name was falsely dragged though the mud because my wife refused to send nude pictures to a member here. For that reason I questioned why that...
I dont wear any clothing in my home. My neighbors are aware, as they have 2-story homes that easily view my backyard and pool. They are fine with it. I lay out nude in the sun, garden, etc. Many of my friends are also nude when they visit me. Today...
Recently I was invited over to a friend's house who had a beautiful garden in the back soon as I walked in I just wanted to start taking pictures even though a neighbor could see if a neighbor was trying to look it was so exciting and so...