Anything Else

Anything not summed up in the other topics

How to use chat on my I-Pad

I downloaded the app "123flash chat" but I need a chat I'd. Sarah in CanadaCanada

5 fruits and/or vegetables per day ?

Will you finally decide to exchange or complete your hamburgers, fried potatoes and ice-cream well sweetened by these indispensable 5 fruits and vegetables per day to finally be proud to exhibit this dream body that everyone will envy you instead of...

Introduction with things I think

I am a nudist, and like meeting with other nudists, and I also believe in God. I see that God meant all that would be natural for us to be for us. I hope I find others seeing it this way. And there are more good things that are natural for us to...

nakedbird blog about nudism

Hello, I am Philipp and just started a blog about my experience with nudism. I want to support nudity, and clear prejudices! Maybe you are interested in it and can give me some feedback or things that you think are important to spread about (real)...

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Ukrainian photographer discovers the...

Read an interesting article on dazed about a Ukrainian photographer who overcame shyness and poor body image, through social nudity!! She is now an advocate for nudism as a result. Article here

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Looking for a nudist roommate in Chicago !

Hello all! I'm looking into getting an apartment in the city of Chicago or western suburbs. I am wondering if anyone here is looking for a roommate? I really would love to share my living space with a like-minded nudist man who I can hang out...

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Hacksaw Ridge

Would highly recommend this movie to anyone. Great humour once the basic training scenes start! Look for a character called Hollywood. I don't think you can miss him lol!

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Group meeting

This was suggested on another thread and since I think it's a cool idea, I thought we could talk about it here instead of hijackingthat thread. lol Hehe...Now, I'm not suggesting that I'm going to organize something, because quite...

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Forthcoming TV programme on naturism

Those of you who live in the UK may like to be aware that on Tuesday February 14th Channel 4 will be showing a programme called "The Great British Skinny Dip" at 10pm. The programme will be about British Naturism and its attempts to...

Poem: Hoodwinked By The Destroyer Of Nations

Modern Philosophy Pet Psychiatry High Technology These entities become the demigod We have place our country under its authority Father Son Holy Spirit The God our nation crawled after For protection For provision For guidance Our nation grew up It...

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