Dog Owners
Purebred Thisandthat here. Lab Spitz and Hound mix according to the Rescue Group I got him from. Eight years old now
...that looked at you funny because you were not wearing any clothes? (Not me, so it must be natural) //Marc
Hi my name is Javier and now I begin alone with a dog her name is Lia she born in 24/12/2017. I need advice from the first days because I don't sleep because I don't know what she is going to do while I sleep.
Hi guys, Im a new nudists at home, with 3 dogs. One of them, a year old pup, is entire still - and particularly interested in trying to sniff etc. Do other guys encounter this? Is it ok, or whats the general consensus on this? Open to private mails...
Today I did a 2 hour totally nude dog walk up on the hills near where I live and I had no clothes with me at all as I also drove there nude as well so I had no clothes in the car. It was such a good feeling and didn't have to carry any cloths...
I had to say goodbye to my 9 year old golden retriever Max a few days ago. He was fine in the evening then could barely stand the next morning. I took him in and he they found a tumor on his heart that was bleeding. I couldn't take him home...
Hi everyone, my wife and I have 2 German shepherds ABIGAIL and DUKE. They are amazing dogs. I wish I could share a picture of them but we are new to the site and dont know how to do it.