Dog Owners
Now it is warmer in the evenings I can start the nude dog walking again this year, with a couple already done this year across fields etc sometimes only 1/2 hour nude with the rest of the walk along roads so shorts and sandals only on this part.
What?! 290 members of this group and no one has a picture of themselves nude with their dog? Your dog embarrassed to get into a picture with you?! (I am currently without a dog, but my avatar is what I will be looking for as soon as I get my fence...
happy nude year to all i host all n dogs welcome as got park 5mins from me and got back garden no sucluded so nude in garden but always nude at home so anyone women men fams singles couples str8 bi gay with dogs all welcome look me up as 2 bedrooms...
i am not sure if i have to send pic of dog because i have one pic of him om my profile cross dane bullmastif 24 months old glad to be in group that r dog lovers and will welcome any as friend if they send request don australia
We should all post a picture of our dog(s) and us naked together, see how many people we will get.Mine will be posted tomorow
Do members have the chance of doing nude walks with their dogs. Around where I live there are public footpaths across fields which I can walk to in about ten minuets only in shorts and sandals and by doing in late evening when it starts cooling down...
I just found this discussion and joined. I noticed there were not any pictures yet so I loaded one of my Great Dane and I sitting on our deck. Lets see other TN people with their dogs.
Hey all, just wanted to revive the group. How is everyone and their dogs doing. Our two (weimaraner and a black lab mix) are great and still keeping us busy. They are putting up with our 2 year old torturing them because she also gives them lots of...
JUST found this group. Hi my name is Jeff and I have a 16 month old Boxer
Does anyone have or had insurance for their dogs? I'm looking for a gift for someone who has everything and thought this might be an idea as she recently adopted an older terrier. There's alot more providers than I thought there would be and...