Driving Naked
I love to drive naked. I get naked everyday after work and I drive home naked its so relaxing. Every road trip I take I try to make it a naked journey as well. I dont feel comfortable getting out naked to put gas though its different for a guy Im...
One night after a nude swim meet I didn't completely dress. I wore a long sweater with no pants, no underwear. It's a 45 min drive to my house. At 11 o'clock at night, I was driving in moderate traffic. Nobody knew the better, because...
So I've Sometimes driven in my work van with fly open or when dark with trousers down. But last summer it was so hot, I after a busy day delivering I was so hot and sweaty I just needed some relief. So after my last delivery I stripped from the...
I'm looking for NewZealand older men for company ,naked , as we drive around the country side , perhaps picnic by beach or river all naked. Can take 3 others in my car. We could even overnight on a nudist beach I think it would make a great...
We had taken a long walk in a state park. I got very warm while walking. When we got back to the parking lot, it was almost empty. Since I had driven quite a bit today, my wife offered to drive back. It was later than I expected, so we were a...
Had the wonderful experience of traveling across the country this past summer totally nude for 4 days. Such an incredible, freeing experience. Passing RV's, Big Rigs, Buses...either no one seem to notice, or they all seemed cool with it. I would...
Drove all the way across metropolitan kansas_city totally naked. Was great! Sorry to any offended truckers
This past summer I drove from Chicago to Oklahoma City nude nearly all the way. Nobody noticed as far as I could tell. Had the windows open in Oklahoma when the AC came on.
Got a drive in today
My wife and I decided to try a small, remote resort a bit closer to home recently. We were welcomed with open arms, like all nudist resorts weve visits so far. We figured it may well be the last visit of the year, unless we head to Florida or...