Driving Naked
Opportunity for a solo trip to a beach vacation spot about 2.5 hours naked driving. Some heavy traffic but not to bad, just enough to be seen? Or not. What a thrill!
Saturday night after the evening Naked Bike Ride, I folded down the back seats and threw the bike in the back. I stopped for gas (yikes!! $1.93 per liter = about $7.40 a gallon) I put $40.00 in it which billed out to $ 32something US on my visa card...
Took mil home Friday. Settled in for the ride but it was sunny hot. Started out shirtless with sunspray. Less than 20 minutes I needed to reapply. Another 30 minutes and I decided cover will be better than burning. Needed to stay covered for about 6...
I am leaving this afternoon for Syracuse, NY I will be driving through the night so most of the trip will be nude. I will make at least 1 nude gas stop along the way. I may try to get 2 in even though it would mean filling up with about 1/2 tank...
So had to go to Caldwell TX from Austin TX - about 1 1/2 hours each way so decided I would go naked. As i do you wear shorts then take off after filling up with gas and getting the drink for the drive. Totally nude (guess the gals might have to just...
Driving back from blacks beach there is a double turn lane to enter the freeway. I usually stay right in those lanes. Usually there is no problem with other cars or trucks.. Well something to think about. A FedEx step van pulled up on my left as I...
Since last August I have been keeping a log on all the time I spend in the car and how much of that time I am nude. Living in Southern California it is a given that we all spend a fair amount of time in our cars but I was surprised to see just how...
Reading some of the latest post threads in the group I find myself wondering what is the motivation of folks to drive naked? Two trends seem to emerge 1. Drive naked to be seen (so opportunities are planned to pump gas or otherwise be seen publicly...
I will be driving to Ft Lauderdale, FL to the Buffalo, NY area later this week and hope to do a good part of the trip nude including at least one nude gas stop. Probably the southern part of the trip as long as it is warm. Being shirtless when it is...
Last Sunday I needed to take garden waste to the recycling place and get some vegetable plants in a garden centre on the way home so I drove to the recycling place nude and as I expected it was busy so I just got inside and managed to park up as it...