Driving Naked

Gas and rest room stops

A very few people have mentioned doing this nude. Has anyone else tried it? If so, how did it work out?

2.5 hr drive home

Just drove home from my lake house nude. After a day on the boat I put it back on the lift. got in my truck and headed home. Imwas so comfy I totaly forgot I was still nude. I decided what the hell, why not. My route home has highway and interstate...

NT - Australia

I was in the NT the other week, and had an opportunity to drive naked for a while. So, roughly 300 km later, Id driven from Katherine to Darwin nude. I drove straight to Casuraina Beach, so I didnt even bother putting my shorts on until I got out of...

Drive meet in UK

Anyone interested in a meet to drive nude

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Driving Buddy

Im in. The south east of England and looking for a bud to go driving with. It would help to take better photos as driving and taking is not a good idea

Finally Did It.

Drove home from band nude tonight. Sat on a towel in case I needed cover. Took my shirt and footwear off quickly but waited until the parking lot was empty to drop the shorts. Took the route on back roads instead of driving through towns. Freeing...

Where to undress and redress

For me, driving nude is the easy part. It's about where to undress and re-dress that causes me concern. When on the freeway (I-5 in Oregon), I have undressed while driving. I will admit it is very dangerous, as I have to momentarily unbuckle my...

Just how adventurous, daring, and trusting...

I am posting this in several groups just to let you know. I guess all nudists have to start somewhere. Mine started at a young age, seeking quiet places to strip and experience being nude. Before long, the inside of the home became boring; it was...

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I am more interested in the idea of driving naked now. I dont have my truck anymore though. Its set up higher and I felt more secure not being seen. I would not get completely naked, but could at least free ball and adjust my shorts so that I was...