Naked Massage
Are there any nudist/nude massage in the Boston area-would prefer female - have never had male before but would certainly consider a fellow nudist.
If anyone is interested in forming a group to give and receive nude massages in the E. Tn. area please respond to this post
I live in the Santa Cruz California area and am available for professional massage or massage trade (I am state certified) , and am a nudist so can give nude massage.
Based in Belper, Derbyshire, DE56 I offer: Full Body Warm Oil Massage Professional Full Body Hair Removal, Waxing, Shaving & Clipping Hopi Ear Candle Microdermabrasion / Facial 15 Minute Teeth Whitening, 7-12 shades whiter in 15mins ...
at clothing optional resort in the
Here are a couple of pics of me getting a massage outside on my patio from my therapist who is also a nudist.
Yesterday I participated in a group yoga/massage course in Chicago. In the past I went to what was essentially a structured all male nude group massage. There was no guidance and everyone from serious massage enthusiasts (like me) to horny...
Im organizing an evening of massage in Paris this Saturday 6th, whos interested? You can bring drink, food, towels, and especially good humour. Jorganise une soire massage ce samedi 6 chez moi Paris, qui est intress? Apportez boire, manger, une...