Edinburgh naturists

Social Nudity in Scotland

Another opportunity for sharing nakedness has been posted to the Scotland Today group: check it out!

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Haddington Swim

Hi there is a swim on at Haddington tonight, anyone from this group going??

Naked beach

Alright boys...Now it's getting warmer (for Scotland at least)Who's gonna take me to the naturist beach??Not yet having my car up here (will do when I move up proper) Chris

Hello all

Hello all, how's it going?. What's everyone up to these days?. Organising any events or get togethers?. I went to my first BN event in Dunoon in mid april and i have to say it went overall and i will go again next year if i can. Hi to anyone...

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Tantric in Edinburgh

Anybody in for a group tantric massage?

Glasgow swim 17/03/13

Hi i plan on going to the swim in Glasgow tomorrow with a mate. Is anyone else going to it?.

Hello all

Hello Everyone, how's it going?. How the new year been nude wise?. Anybody got trips and holidays planned?. I'm planning on going to the first Scottish BN in Dunoon in April. Is anyone else here going to that?.

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Thank you

Thanks to all the members who contacted me regarding my request for new friends.

Happy Christmas

Hope everyone has a good Christmas and also that some of us can actually meet up in 2013!