Newbie Nudist Area

Introduction to Nudism and any of the awkward questions you may have

Hello All

Hello all.. I'm Zoe. Before I begin my introduction, would a forum leader please correct my username? I mistakenly typed 1996 instead of 1994. Normally I would not care if my date of birth is incorrect, but in this case it must be changed as I...

I cant chat?

Hey I was in the chat and suddenly it says "You are not allowed in this room!" why?

WELCOME! ..... to TN :) :) :) .....START...

WELCOME! ..... to TN :) :) :) .....START HERE! Welcome to TN, it's great to have you here, ......some may say, .......the very BEST, Nudist / Naturist web site, ......EVER!!! ......You will soon realise, just what a great place this is (because...

Why do I get stomach ache before I go the...

Been a nudist for about 1,5 year now and went to my local nudist beach lots of times. Still every morning I wake up and think "My, lovely weather, I think I'll go to the beach." I get stomach ache. It's hard to eat and concentrate....

To address the high cost of green printing...

How much more green printing costs? It is understood that the national primary and secondary school textbooks in the autumn of 2010 green printing when the pilot, increasing the cost of Green by three publishing houses, printing plants, material ...

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trying to figure out...

I'm trying to figure out how to tell a new friend that I'm a nudist. Here is the situation. I have now been renting out my spare room to guests on and I have found a guy that wants to rent my room when his place is being...

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Link To: (((((( TN Tips For The Single Girl....

(((((( TN Tips For The Single Girl. ))))))

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by Philfreeeuk 
First time at Nudist RV park

I am planning a trip to a nudist RV park, and had a couple questions.I'll be going solo so I'll have no one else to brainstorm with.#1 As I pull into the park I will be mostly dressed At what time is it customary to disrobe.#2 Can I check...

Hi to all nudists of truenudists!!

Hi! I just registered on this page. I think nudist summer season. In winter I prefer to dress because I'm pretty chilly. My trip naturist, besides the Spanish coast, is also a forum in Spain, along with most members, I make one of the most...

i wanne be it to

hey im a 29 year old and my brothers want to be nudist to.but some of us are scared of getting a it normal?how do you hide that if you get that? thanks