Wollongong nudists

From Wollongong

Hi all from Down South.I I Grew up down Near Wollongong. A place called Albion Park until age 25.Then moved to Kogarah. But still go to The Gong Weekly.My Fave Nudist Beach is Werrong Beach.Which I go Every Summer.Hope to meet and Find New...

Nude in 2023

Not many current posts here. If you are in the Wollongong area tell us if you are an active nudist? Please tell us about your experiences


Is Windang beach still a going concern, does anyone still go there?

Hosting in the 'Gong

I am now settled in the 'Gong and looking for people to meet up. I can host in my warm unit. Just let me know if you'd like to meet up for coffee, a drink or just to say hello Raymond


There was nothing in the Media section for this group, so I decided to make a start.

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Is there any life in the 'Gong?

Does anybody still look at this group? The nudist scene around Wollongong seems very quiet.

Meetup in Wollongong

Hi all,Anyone up to meet up in real life?Hopefully with warmer weather on the horizon we'll be able to get to the beach, but I am fine with meeting up elsewhere.Jorgi

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Happy Nude Year

I hope everyone had a great Christmas, and I wish you all the best for the coming year.It'd be nice to see some activity in this group. I know there are quite a few Wollongong nudists. They just need to get out and about.Jorgi

TAFE life models

Since the NSW TAFE's have have had their funding cut, one of the things suffering is life art classes. While I am not experienced at being a life model, I'd like to offer my services to anyone missing out on an opportunity due to the funding...

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Happy New Year to all

Happy New Year and I hope the weather improves for more nude days at the beach

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