skinny dipping
I started skinny dipping this past summer when I learned I was living 20 miles from a nude beach. It is located in the town of Truro on the outer cape, between Ballston Beach in the south and Longnook beach in the north. It is a beautiful beach with...
I am sure all Brits know about this, but in case you don't here's the website: Last time I posted a link it didn't work properly so you may have to use your ingenuity to get to it i.e Google "Great...
Anybody heading to Mohonk this week (5/30 - 6/3)? I am trying to get there either Wed. or Thursday.
Finally got the pool open this week after a cool, wet spring. We had my brother-in-law and his wife and son over for a cook out this after noon. After they left, my wife and son left tocheck out some Memorial Day displays, so I stripped down and...
I always enjoyed skinnydipping and do it as often as I can. I do it at a local beach but I have to wear shorts before I get in the water since it is a public beach not clothing optional. I was lucky to meet up with a local nudist who has a pool and...