upstate ny nudists
it's becoming summer once again , doesnt anyone want to mingle for a day or weekend event with the members in here ?????? I'm interested in group outing to local nude resorts or back yard Bbq's
Anyone in Buffalo, NY area
Good morning everyone! New to the site, and kind of new to nudism. Wanted to introduce myself. :)
Are there any nudists in the albany, ny area who want to meet?
I am looking to host a nudist event in my Elmira, New York home on Sunday, December 7th. If interested, send me a message.
I'd like to offer my services. I am a sole proprietor business owner. I own United DJs of CNY. I've been a DJ and Master of Ceremonies for about 30 years. I'd love to work ANY nudist events that may need a DJ and/or PA system. I would...
hi im a 38 old nudist from upstate ny. looking for others to go on out adventures nude with me.
I have an art show coming up at the beginning of the month and I need new material for the show. That means I need a beautiful woman who will pose nude for me so I can create set of fantasy images about a playful elf who is entertaining herself with...
I am an aspiring Photographer and Graphic Artist. I have always been fascinated by the nude human form, especially the nude female form which is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But my passion is developing fantasy images of fairies,...
There are 28 members in this group. Yet there has been no conversation in a year. And I never see anyone actually posting any activities... Whats up guys... Lets do something !!