upstate ny nudists
Today is the day for a new attempt at a record. Where is everyone going?
Sorry to be spaming the groups.. but I'm winder if anyone is going to the NE naturist gathering in PA in June?? Its just south of Binghamton in PA, About 115 miles from Syracuse. June 11-16.
Hello, my name is Bill and I am the co-admin of the Lower Hudson Nudist. I started the group becaause I was feeling lonely as a nudist in my community. I only started getting involved socially since this past May when I attended Juniper Woods. The...
What good is a group without good information... so if your going somewhere that you could enjoy a few more poeple with you, post it here. Today I'm going to Potters falls in Ithaca and hopefully enjoy some good sunshine. I'll be nude on and...