Rock River Vermont Nudists
found info on this place at it gives directions going north from Brattleboro on rt 30 to Williamsville Road. Tried to locate Williamsville Rd....
Got up to the river last Saturday - a glorious day. Not too many there, perhaps fall has discouraged people from venturing up, although we usually get a few good days in October. I hope to get up there at least one more time before snow flies. But...
The river is settling into it's new look after Hurricaine Irene swept through with about 20' of water. The mixed beach is almost gone, so many of those folks have moved up to the 'corner' beach, which is much bigger and sandier than...
Who's been up to RR lately and seen the current condition of the trails? Anything particularly perilous?
Anyone know the extent of the trail damage after the storm last winter?? I heard that much of it may have been washed away making passage to the far end of the river difficult if not impossible.
Got to the River last Sunday, and had a great time. We had a downpour around 3:00, then a bit more rain. Hoping to get there again this Sunday - August is progressing, and I don't want to miss a single opportunity to go!
Rode motorcycle and spent the day at the river on Monday...nice dry air...didn't break a sweat getting there! Nice.
Is anyone planning to spend all or part of the July 4 holiday at Rock River?
I've only been to the river twice this year - very unusual for me. Still I enjoyed both times I was there. Our 'Gods' (the great guys who do the work to keep it free and accessible for us have done a great job on the trail. It's...