male nude models

Nude photography workshop

Hello all, just wanted to let everyone know about an exciting nude photography workshop coming up in October for which myself and 5 beautiful nude females will be modeling. It is a workshop for novice and advanced photographers alike, directed by...

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Bonn, Germany

Hi and thanks for looking at my post, I am going to be in Bonn overnight on Thursday 13th August. If anyone in interested in a hotel room shoot let me know.Hallo und vielen Dank fr das Betrachten meiner Post, ich werde in Bonn ber Nacht am...

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Planted an idea

Yesterday I heard an interview on public radio about a local art museum. The guy detailed some of their outreach programsthey have to get the community involved. I sent him an email volunteering to be a life model if the museum wanted to have a...

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Two guys available to pose in Los Angeles

My and a Swedish/Chilean friend are up for posing for artistic nude photos, individually and together. If you're a photographer looking for two models, email me with samples of your work to

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Looking for male models in Tempe, Arizona, US

Hello, My name is Randy and I'm an amateur photographer. I have worked with several models and have created some excellent photos with them. I prefer artistic nude photography. If this sounds like something interesting to you, please message me...

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Looking for Models in Malaysia

I love photography, got some experience about taking photos with nude and got my own idea for it.. let me know if you like a set of your photos to be taken..:-) WE just share experience for it!!

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by pr1980 
nude model NL

62 and interested in posing for artist. sketch or photo

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South wales

Model available. Need something to cover expenses if travel to you. A

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Need Photos Taken (South Wales)

Looking to get some decent photos taken for my profile. Any guys in the South Wales area? I can travel. Please get in touch.

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London/SouthEast England - Profile photos etc

I am just wondering if, like me, there are others who have problems getting new photos taken for use on profiles. If so, would anyone, male or female, be interested in getting together for a few hours solely for the purpose of helping each other get...

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