Gods Temple

Praying Naked

Who prays naturally skindressed? I do, esp each morning as I wake and get out of bed I take my Novena of Unceasing Graces to the Divine Mercy in my hand, kneel and pray. After all, God made me, can see under my clothes and surely natural nudity is...

Nude Churches

I keep hearing about churches that conduct their services in the nude. Anybody attend one or ever attended one? If so how do/did you like it? What are your thoughts on being nude in church? Good idea or not?

Have you suffered & what has He done?

Hebrews 5:7-9 7 In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence. 8 Although he was a son, he learned obedience...

Jesus Son of God, Savior

My question for you tonight, is who do you say He is. There is only one correct answer. If you get it right, the rewards are unbelievable, but if wrong, endless suffering! My prayer tonight is that anyone who reads this knows the correct answer. He...

episcopalians anyone?

i'm a self-identified episcopalian

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catholic nudist saints

Catholics actually have three saints they can consider as patron saints of nudists, even though they aren't officially recognized as being patron saints of nudists as of yet: Onuphrius, Peter of Athos, Macarius of Egypt, and Paul the Hermit....

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Faithful to the Truth by Stephen Lovatt

he's a british catholic gay author who defends same-sex marriage from a traditionalist catholic perspective. this is where you can buy his...


Has anyone given up anything for Lent? I have given up lollies. I feel it is good to give up something over this period!

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i've been thinking...

if i ever went to a nudist place that had several forests and fields with a resort, i could find a nice remote part of the nudist place, pray the rosary and let the holy spirit overcome my soul.

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Please sign this Petition if you enjoy Nude Recreation of any kind. https://clothing-optional-access.weebly.com/ I signed it the first day it was up.

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