I realize a lot of the members have undergone PC operations and have had their prostate removed, but for those who haven't or even those who have an RP, maybe prior to surgery, have you had a prostate massage? Reason I ask, I underwent a biopsy...
who still masterbates or at least plays with himself despite ED? i for one still do, Permanately soft or not, i still love playing with my cock and masterbating.
after the op can you get a hard on
I had prostate cancer about 7 years ago. I had 45 days of radiation. It gave me nausea all through the treatments and for sometimes after. A few things that happened to me. My prostate shrank to probably have. Then also my balls are smaller. I used...
If you already have problems with "below the belt ..." - SILDENAFIL or TADALAFIL tablets will help well to return the lost (information about them and full instructions for use for preliminary acquaintance with them are on the Internet or...
Anyone have an implant. I am thinking about getting one and would like some advice. THANKS
Just been diagnosed with prostrate cancer (localised ). Been offered surgery (radical prostatectomy) or hormone and radiotherapy (18 months, effectively two years when you allow side effects to wear off!). Surgery seems as if ED and urinary problems...
Great to find a forum on prostate issues. I've got damaged nerves around my prostate after a protectomy procedure, resulting in a permanent colostomy. Procedure was due to extensive Crohns, but I was at high risk of getting bowel cancer due to a...