I remain nude when guests/service personnel come to my home

Pizza Delivery

I deliver pizza on a part part time basis, about 10-15 hours a week.We have a customer that is a nudist, and requests we deliver to his finished garage. He lives in the country on a somewhat busy road. In the summer he'll come out to our car in...

Canada - Free accomodation for Travelers

I am hosting a place, free accommodation for fellow nudists looking to travel to St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. If interested ask me for more details.

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First Time Answering the Door Naked

The first time I opened the door naked was when i was 19-1/2 years old. It was the middle of July and I was home from college. It was about 8:30 am, and my parents both left for work already, when the door bell rang. My bedroom window on the second...

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I WISH a customer would answer the door...

I am a HVAC contractor in ATL. I go on service calls every day. I have never once had someone answer the door naked, which makes me sad. I want someone to answer the door as if there is nothing out of the ordinary. Do not ask my permission or in any...


remember to wish all your guest or service ppl a MERRY CHRISTMAS

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my first visitor since hanging my...

my sign reads "nudist household..if my nudity upsets you please notify me before i answer the door".i recently had trouble with my phone and contacted the phone company with my problem.a technition was sent out 2 days later to fix it...to...

Remained nude today during two seperate...

I remained nude during two seperate visits today, and no problems nor issues surfaced. The first visit was from the Schwan's Home Delivery service, for my bi-monthly service call. I have a regular driver, who has been coming to my home for...

Molly Maids

New to this and loving it. But I have a question. Is it bad/inappropriate to be nude while maids clean our house? Want carry on with life as usual, but don't want any legal drama. Thanks

I stayed nude when the satellite TV...

I have been a nudist all my life really but only for the last few months have I decided to be a true nudist and practice the right to stay naked in my home when service personnel/ engineers etc visit. I have found it helpful to add a sign to the...