Nude Football Fans
Since we play in the HOF game we get to open early. THe downside of that is most of our draft picks are not yet signed. Camp is about 5 miles from my house so I get to go pretty much whenever I want . Some of the practices require tickets, but those...
I see that they will let him back into the NFL. Comments please.
What does your team needto doto improve for next year
If he gets reinstated, would you like him on your team? I'm in the "no friggin way" camp, but the Bills have not been particularly law-abiding this off-season. It appears Corey McIntyre's arrest for lewdness was a case of mistaken...
Give us your thoughts on who will shock everyone this year. My pick is the Houston Texans.
My Bills did pretty well without any huge names other than Aaron Maybin at #11. They got 2 of the top interior linemen in Eric Wood and Greg Levitre. The Byrd pick on the surface was puzzling until reading more and seeing that he projects to a...
IMHO both Cutler and McDaniels/Bowden handled this very poorly. And HOO BOY did Chicago overpay. I am glad to get him out of the AFC however.
Traded disgruntled Pro-Bowl (what a joke) LT Jason Peters to the Eagles for a 1st, 4th this year, conditional pick next year. Peters made it pretty clear he didn't want to play in Buffalo after holding out all of last off-season. His play has...
For your team - where do they pick, who do you WANT them to pick and who do you THINK they will pick? The Bills pick 11th. I want them to get the best pass rusher available, and that's what I think they will do. I SO hope they don't go tight...
Buffalo's is very interesting. Their game in Toronto will be against the Jets on a Thursday Night NFL Network telecast. They have only 1 1 PM start in their first 7 games even though the farthest west they go is New Orleans. 4 of their last 6...