Burning Man Fans
Hey! So I am wondering if there is anyone in the Pac NW area going to BM 2016 who might be willing to share a ride w me? Still not sure if I can go but if I do I may need a ride. Message me please. Casie
Hi all, Burners and Burning Man is awesome! I hope to attend next years event.
Best of both worlds, at Burning Man and naked. I just spent the entire first day at Burning Man riding my bike and walking amongst 1000s of other "burners", completely naked, what a great feeling! Any other nudists out there at Burning Man...
Burning Man is open for ticket registration now. I want to organize a camp themed around Ancient Greek gymnasium: The gymnasium in ancient Greece functioned as a training facility for competitors in public games. It was also a place for socializing...
Not that this will stop us, but... https://time.com/4010810/burning-man-2015-sheriff/ This is my first BM and I'd love to meet any others going this year, spend as much of it naked as possible. Add me and say hi.
Any fellow nudists going this year?It would be great to meet up sometime!
Any burners that live in Louisiana are more than welcome to stop in and say hello! https://www.facebook.com/groups/burnersoflouisiana/
This year was kind of a disaster. Unless you had insanely high speed interned you pretty much didn't have a chance. Needless to say if any one has a spare ticket or vehicle pass floating around I'm in the market.
As all burners know, San Francisco is a haven for urban nudists. I do my best to work and play nude at least twice a week. Today, went off to a nearby SF beach and worked naked in the sun for a couple of hours, am headed to an inner-city nude mens...
hey! i am a student from germany (berlin) i want come these year but i need informations like:how much is it?can i travel without car? thx for reading =D! and answer :P!