Gamers & Geeks ... Sans Clothing

New to Group

Hi all,I'm new to this group....My name is John and I own a X-Box 360 and Sony PlayStation 2 computers.....I Love Playing Car Racing Games.

Old vs New

Hi i started playng video games from nes/today comparing oldest generation to newest ps4/xbox one its like the games has lost their shine becomming more holywod beytiful graphics than ideas or good senario less thinking more presing...

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I just got overwatch yesterday for my Xbox one. Does anyone else play it here?

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steam and battlenet

Hi all. Andreas here from Greece.Im on steam as arise and have 36 games (3-4 active): borderlands 2 and the pre-secuel, left4dead2 and saints row: the thirdon battlenet as misanthropy#2243 and play diablo ||| ... thats all...enybody like to chat and...

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Nude gaming

Hi fellows, great having nude gamers friends.. I've started playing videogames in the 80's with my Magnavox/Odyssey. And passed thru Atari, NES, Master System, Genesis, SNES, then skipped PS 1, 2, and now XBOX and Wii U (poor of me). Used to...

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Skype Group

Hi! I started a very simple Skype group we can use to find others for co-op gaming or chatting about games/nudism. Just use this link to join! See you there :)

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PS4 buddies

Hey guys. I recently got a PS4 and would love to have friends to play with online(san clothing of course). What games is everyone playing right now?

Are you gaming naked right now?

I'm having a naked gaming night, playing some WoW, enjoying a hard cider or two. Who else is gaming naked right now?

PC Gamers

Hello all! just curious if there are many PC gamers here. I am mainly playing league of legends right now and will be getting wildstar shortly. Post you IGN if you are interested in playing some LoL games!

Diablo 3 on PS4

Hey is there anyone playing Diablo 3 on PS4 that'd like to play together? I just started playing last year and am still addicted. My PSN: jay_boogy21

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