Christians who pray and share

5 share

9 members, and only 5 want to share, please remember the rules. Pray and share, or join another site. This one will remain active!

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Were growing please keep praying

Hope everyone who joined has read what is expected from our members. Please keep sharing and praying. God is soooo good, praise Him.

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Don't usually ask for prayer for myself, but recently underwent hernia surgery and really in a lot of pain...if you all would pray for a speedy recovery I would certainly appreciate it. Jim

Power in Prayer

Please never be afraid to ask for prayer at this site. Remember how powerful it is. Where two or more of us are gathered, miricales can happen. There is power in our prayers, and I have witnessed it several times. Have faith and PRAY!

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Only 2% of the people of Japan claim to be Christian. I send out a prayer for thier well being, and pray that they might be a great light shining for the rest of their country. The whole world is watching, and I pray that when they do, that they...

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